Another sleepless night...


So much has been going on that I don’t even know where to begin…

It is currently 3:24AM on a Thursday morning, which means I should be asleep because I’m supposed to wake up in less than 1.5 hours from now to get ready for my corporate job.  I’ve been trying to lock my new routine down, but it’s been a struggle.  I also started school around this time last month, finally in that bachelor’s program that I aimed so hard for.  I was accepted to Cal Poly Pomona, which was not my 1st choice school, but was one of my top three.   Fortunately, I was able to snag all online classes for the first semester.  With that, I was able to work my full 8-hour days during the week and take my courses online in the evenings.  However, 1 of my classes is from 4-5PM on zoom.  My sales manager was on board with me taking my zoom at work, and just make up the last hour before I leave for the day.  It was convenient for me and has been working out flawlessly.  We have “hoteling offices” which are just empty offices other employees that travel between offices can work from.

On top of work and school, I still have some events booked.  In fact, I have the last wedding of the year (for me anyway) this coming Sunday.  The floral industry was also hit with the recent price increases and supply shortages.  If I were to charge the industry standard with the current pricing, I’d never book an event in this demographic region.  It’s simply not feasible.  I take it as a sign, that this is a good time to pause.  I can’t juggle between work, flowers & school at all once. 

To add to all the mix, my Father in Law was placed on hospice about 2.5 weeks ago.  The nurses explained that his condition can swing in either direction.  But the goal is to be able to have nurses come and see him and make sure he’s comfortable.  He’s been bedridden since his last discharge, which was roughly 5.5 weeks ago.  He would have okay days and then some rough days.  For this past week, Hubby has been sleeping in the spare bedroom so he can be there for his parents should they need him.  This is the first time we’ve slept apart while under the same roof, it feels weird, but I’m also glad that we can be here for his parents in their time of need and I’m also glad that I don’t disturb him when I must get ready at 5AM every morning.  Not to mention all the clickity clacking I’m doing now on my keyboard at close to 4AM.

My husband has been such a trooper these recent months.  He’s been able to work from home so he could be here for Mother in Law (MIL) when she needs help caring for Father in Law (FIL).  He’s also been helping with the chores around the house so I could focus on my studies.  He’s so attentive.  He’d wash my coffee cup so it’s ready for my morning brew.  He’d cook the foods I say I want to eat for lunch and have it ready for me to take to work.  He tends to the demon dok (Tofu) so that I can get some extra sleep on the weekends when I don’t have anything scheduled.  He’d drive me to my appointments or deliveries because he knows I’m tired.  I honestly don’t know why or how I got so lucky but I’m not going to challenge it.  I married the perfect man. 


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